New Publication! “Quick Guide to Bassoon Reed Tuning”

The Quick Guide to Bassoon Reed Tuning is now available for purchase from Amazon, Charles Double Reeds, Forrests Music, TrevCo-Varner Music, and The Music Source.
Bassoon Reed Making and Tuning Publications
All bassoon reed making and bassoon reed adjustment publications by Mark Eubanks are free for my private studio students. Publications include:
- Advanced Reed Design and Testing Procedure for Bassoon (1986, 1991)* (Soon to be out of print)
- Secrets to a Better Bassoon Reed (1985)*
- Secrets to a Better Oboe Reed, Pablo Izquierdo, co-author (1985)
- Reed Test Procedure (1982)*
- Band Director Bassoon Clinic
- Throat Mandrel and Throat Reamer instructions (specialty tools designed by Mark Eubanks)
*Tuning methods and procedures have been updated in the new publication: Quick Guide to Bassoon Reed Tuning. Continued research has enabled us to develop better fine-tuning methods, only found in the Quick Guide.
Musical Publications
21 Bassoon quartet and ensemble pieces are now available for purchase in sheet music or digital download form, all with parts and score. The Bros derangements are derived from our three quartet CDs Wanted, Captured and Bassoon Brothers Escaped. Most Bassoon Brothers arrangements are for three bassoons (b) and contrabassoon (cb) (3bcb) if tenoroon (fagottino in F) (t), sopranoon (octave bassoon) (sop). Contact us for any questions you have about the arrangements.
You can purchase many of our publications from Forrests Music or Trevco Music.
- Air on the Bassoon Reed (Bach/Eubanks) bassoon solo 3bcb
- Andante (from Concerto for Two Violins (Vivaldi/Eubanks)–can be performed as a bsn trio) 3bcb
- Anitra’s Dance (Grieg/Eubanks) 4b
- Behold a Virgin Shall Concede/Thus Sayeth the Lord (contra solo)(Handel/Eubanks) 3bcb
- Fantasy #1 (2nd mvt Concerto in F Weber/Eubanks) 4b
- He Trusted in God, (Messiah–Handel/Eubanks) 3bcb
- I Am the Model of a Modern Major General (Gilbert&Sullivan/Eubanks) contra solo, 3bcb
- I’m Called Little Buttercup (Gilbert & Sullivan/Eubanks) sopranoon solo (or bassoon) sop2bcb
- In the Hall of the Mountain King (Grieg/Eubanks) 3bcb
- Italian Concerto Mvt 3 (Bach/Eubanks) 4b
- Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach/Eubanks) 3bcb
- Minuet and Dance (of the Hours) (Boccherini/Ponchielli/Eubanks) 3bcb
- La Mourisque (Susato/Eubanks) sop,t,3b,cb
- Pizzicati (Delibes/Eubanks) 3bcb
- Pizzicato Polka (Strauss/Eubanks) 3bcb
- Royal Firewater Music (Handel/Eubanks) 3bcb
- Three Little Maids (Gilbert&Sullivan/Eubanks) tenoroon or bassoon solo t, 2bcb or 3bCb if requested
- The Town of Titipu/A More Humane Mikado (Gilbert&Sullivan/Eubanks) 4b
Trios, Duos, Solos:
- Andante (from Concerto for Two Violins (Vivaldi/Eubanks)–can be performed as a bsn trio) 3bcb
- Londonderry Air (Danny Boy) trio 3b
- Red River Valley for solo bassoon